on the same wavelength

学习《on the same wavelength》怎么用


  1. They feel the same way about the matter.
  2. A namer takes on a heavy burden, as any new parent could report.
  3. Planning minimizes costs because of the emphasis on efficient operation and consistency.
  4. Based on the accounting system and comparative study of tax law, accounting and tax laws made the possibility of coordination.
  5. The sound has to be coordinated with the picture.
  6. Early results on the photoelectric effect had not produced consistent results.


On the same wavelength
On the same wavelength
On the Same Wavelength
Are we on the same wavelength? Interpersonal complementarity as shared cyclical patterns during interactions.
Mission statement perception: Are we all on the same wavelength? A case study in a Flemish hospital
On the same wavelength: predictable language enhances speaker-listener brain-to-brain synchrony in posterior superior temporal gyrus.
Mission Statement Perception: Are We All on the Same Wavelength? A Case Study in a Flemish Hospital
On the Same Wavelength but Tuned to Different Frequencies? Perceptions of Academic and Admissions Staff in England and Wales on the ...
Not all multiplexing technologies are on the same wavelength
Electroencephalography (EEG) and music therapy: On the same wavelength?
On the same wavelength: face-to-face communication increases interpersonal neural synchronization
Getting heart cells on the same wavelength: infrared triggering of Ca 2+ transients in cardiac myocytes
Teams on the same wavelength perform better: Inter-brain phase synchronization constitutes a neural substrate for social facilitation
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下一篇:on the scale of